Unveiling the Christiana Underground Railroad Center at Zercher’s Hotel in Christiana, PA

Unveiling the Christiana Underground Railroad Center at Zercher’s Hotel in Christiana, PA

Located in Christiana, Pennsylvania, the Christiana Underground Railroad Center at Zercher’s Hotel commemorates a significant chapter in American history, serving as a testament to the town’s pivotal role in the Underground Railroad movement. Learn more here.

Historical Significance:

Zercher’s Hotel, now housing the Christiana Underground Railroad Center, was the site of the 1851 Christiana Resistance, a crucial event in the fight against slavery. This resistance exemplified the local community’s staunch opposition to the Fugitive Slave Law of 1850. Learn more about Exploring the Brandywine Pond Tour in Coatesville, PA.

Educational Exhibits and Artifacts:

The Center hosts educational exhibits and displays artifacts that shed light on the Underground Railroad network, abolitionist movements, and the brave individuals who risked their lives to assist freedom seekers.

Interpretive Tours and Programs:

Guided tours and educational programs offer visitors insight into the history of the Underground Railroad, the abolitionist movement, and the significance of Christiana’s role in supporting enslaved individuals seeking freedom.

Cultural Heritage and Commemoration:

The Center stands as a living testament to the area’s cultural heritage, commemorating the courage and sacrifices of those involved in the fight against slavery and promoting equality and freedom.

Community Engagement and Historic Preservation:

The Christiana Underground Railroad Center fosters community engagement by preserving and sharing this crucial piece of history, inviting visitors to learn, reflect, and participate in civil rights and social justice discussions.


The Christiana Underground Railroad Center at Zercher’s Hotel is a poignant tribute to Christiana’s pivotal role in the Underground Railroad, preserving a crucial piece of American history and promoting awareness of the struggles and triumphs in the fight for freedom and equality.